- Jun 26, 2016The Way, The Truth, The Life, John 14:1-7
- Jun 19, 2016Peter’s Denial Predicted, John 13:31-38
- Jun 12, 2016Jesus’ Betrayal, John 13:18-30
- Jun 5, 2016Hallelujah, Psalm 146
- May 29, 2016Jesus Washes The Disciples Feet, John 13:1-17
- May 22, 2016Believing In the Light, John 12:44-50
- May 15, 2016Hard to Believe, John 12:37-43
- May 8, 2016Judgement, John 12:27-36
- May 1, 2016Selfless Servanthood, John 12:20-36
- Apr 24, 2016A Humble King, John 12:12-19